~And the truth shall make you free~

John 8:32

What is it?

Our quest for the truth began in 2009 as we were having behavioural issues with our daughter in school, seeming to have symptoms of ADD including disruptive behaviour, learning difficulties and diciplinary issues. Not wanting to pump her full of drugs, we sought a more natural way and on recommendation of our doctor we investigated the Feingold diet. It not only was successful in improving our daughters behaviour but it opened our eyes to a world of adulterated foods that we unknowingly injest, thinking all is well, and it started us on our search. There is so much different information out there about nutrition and what is good for you and not. This is our family blog chronicling our search for the truth about nutrition and health. ~To know better is to do better~

Monday, October 18, 2010

Helpful Books!

Just a little note to share two books that I have found very helpful. The Makers Diet and The Makers Diet For Weight Loss by Jordan Rubin. These books made so much sense to me. Learning how God made our bodies to eat through the bible. I did not find them to be quick reading books because he is very medical and gives you lots of details on how your body works. For me I find it very helpful to not just be told you should eat this, or you should not eat this, but be given detailed reasons why in relation to your body and how it works. Which makes it much easier for me to do, or not to do something not just because I said so. I do have to say that in my opinion some of the things Jordan Rubin suggests are pretty hard core although I'm sure they are very good for your health but unless you are very wealthy or live on a farm and grow all your own produce and animals it may not be possible for everyone to follow everything he says in the books but I loved understanding better how our bodies work and any of the things from the book you can incorporate into your lives should help improve your health.

I have just barely started a new book titled What The Bible Says About Healthy Living by Rex Russell. I have no opinion to share about it yet since I just barely started reading it. Funny thing about the book is I had no idea it had any relation to Jordan Rubin at all. I had heard Gary Smalley make reference to it and thought I'd like to check it out. When it came in the mail I opened it and right there in the front of the book is a forward by Jordan Rubin recommending the book. I thought it was pretty bizarre that out of all the books I could choose it would still some how be connected to Jordan Rubin, anyways I will keep you posted.

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