~And the truth shall make you free~

John 8:32

What is it?

Our quest for the truth began in 2009 as we were having behavioural issues with our daughter in school, seeming to have symptoms of ADD including disruptive behaviour, learning difficulties and diciplinary issues. Not wanting to pump her full of drugs, we sought a more natural way and on recommendation of our doctor we investigated the Feingold diet. It not only was successful in improving our daughters behaviour but it opened our eyes to a world of adulterated foods that we unknowingly injest, thinking all is well, and it started us on our search. There is so much different information out there about nutrition and what is good for you and not. This is our family blog chronicling our search for the truth about nutrition and health. ~To know better is to do better~

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My first official blog!

This is my first official blog. Since I do not keep a journal or anything like that, it seems a little strange to just be writing my random thoughts down but I'm willing to give it a try especially since my hubby will not stop asking me if I have blogged yet! So what I have been thinking about today is how a lot of times people think they don't really need to examine what they are eating and possibly try to improve on it because they think they are fine as far as their health goes. Or that their kids are fine. They figure because neither them or their children have any kind of disease that they're alright the way they are. But how do we really know we're alright? We do not know what subtle things the foods are doing to the inside of us. We might not see any kind of results from it for years. Or maybe we do not realize things we are experiencing already are because of the food we are eating. Also do we really know how potentially healthy we could be or feel. If we ate the way God intended, would we have more energy, less head aches, less aches and pains? Would us and our children be smarter and be able to think more clearly? Would people have less infertility issues? Would we get colds and flus fewer times a year? These are just some questions I've been having and thinking about lately.


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