~And the truth shall make you free~

John 8:32

What is it?

Our quest for the truth began in 2009 as we were having behavioural issues with our daughter in school, seeming to have symptoms of ADD including disruptive behaviour, learning difficulties and diciplinary issues. Not wanting to pump her full of drugs, we sought a more natural way and on recommendation of our doctor we investigated the Feingold diet. It not only was successful in improving our daughters behaviour but it opened our eyes to a world of adulterated foods that we unknowingly injest, thinking all is well, and it started us on our search. There is so much different information out there about nutrition and what is good for you and not. This is our family blog chronicling our search for the truth about nutrition and health. ~To know better is to do better~

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Truth -On Food Coloring-

As we began out research we found that one of the key triggers in behavioral issues in children was synthetic food colorings. On ingredients listings they appear as:
"-Blue No. 1
-Blue No. 2
-Green No. 3
-Red No. 40
-Red No. 3
-Yellow No. 5
-Yellow No. 6"

(Above excerpt taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_coloring )

The Feingold program has proven through studies and testimonies that these food colorings cause behavioral issues through neurotoxicity (brain poisoning) in children but that is not all. Turns out that these food colorings also carry significant health risks along with the slight annoyance of impairing your child's ability to learn and cope with society(insert sarcastic tone here):

"The following is a brief description of some known food dyes that can cause adverse health effects:

-Yellow 5 : breakfast cereals, jams, snack foods, packaged noodles, soups, dry drink powders, candy, pudding. May cause palpitations, hives and itching in children, restlessness, sleep disturbances, asthma and allergic reactions.

-Blue 1: dairy products, jellies, icings, syrups, extracts, drinks and candies. Cause of death in some elderly patients due to enteral (tube) feeding. Banned in many countries but not the U.S. or Canada. This is derived from petroleum distillates.

-Red 3: used in dental labs, printing inks and food dye. Found in candies, baked goods, condiments and snack foods. Has estrogen-like growth stimulatory properties. Significant risk factor in human breast carcinogenesis. Possible thyroid tumors and chromosomal damage.

-Red 40: snack foods. Can cause tumors, lymphomas and adhd in children."

(Above excerpt taken from Food Coloring: Synthetic Food Dye is Hazardous to Your Health http://www.suite101.com/content/food-coloring-a77978#ixzz10eFEnjMI ) Good article BTW!

Studies have shown that the majority, if not all of these synthetic colorings not only cause cancer, but if there are cancerous growths, certain ones feed off of these chemicals much like MSG  (Monosodium Glutymate) will, and cause rapid growth and multiplication in cancerous cells.

"In commercially available FD&C Yellow #5 and #6, benzidine (which causes cancer) has been found in amounts up to 200 times the officially allowed level of only 1 part per billion. FD&C colorings continue to be listed as "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS) despite studies showing neurological effects, DNA damage, and elevated cholesterol.
In 2006, almost 19 million pounds of color additives were certified by FDA inspectors. The FDA receives a "user fee" from the manufacturer for each pound of food dye certified. Note, that means each pound approved, not each pound examined."

(Above excerpt taken from 'Behavior, Learning and Health - The Dietary Connection' - Feingold Assn.)

Our beloved government, looking out for its precious citizens through the FDA has deemed our current list of synthetic food dyes as "safe" for the general public consumption. Gee... Thanks... It appears that logic once again has escaped the minds of our elected representatives. Seems to me when you kill your taxpayers there would be less taxpayers to extract money from and therefore less money for them to carelessly throw to the wind. You would also think that if the citizens were all mentally impaired and sick due to careless legislation and government that it would cost them more of their "throw to the wind" money to take care of the handicapped on the public dole.
The crazy part is, these food colorings are in almost EVERYTHING! You would be very surprised where you will find them. Here are some crazy examples we have run across:

-Pickles - Uh... Why?
-Turkey - Yes, the one you pick up for Thanksgiving. You will find in some cases the "solution" they pack them in will be laden with preservatives and MSG then colored so it looks good between when you take it out of the bag and place it in the roaster..... I was shocked, cuz I thought I was just buying a TURKEY....
-Jams and Jellies - Was horrified to find that my favorite multi-berry jam from Canada had red and blue dyes in it. Did I say I was horrified!
-White Cake Mix - Hello! White cake mix....
-Guacamole dip
-Yogurt - Healthy, nutritious yogurt.
-Cheese - Not all, but some.
-Macaroni n Cheese

Tons of other items on the shelf in your local supermarket that should not need to be colored.
There are some colorings that are considered natural and safe, these are the most common:
-Caramel coloring (E150), made from caramelized sugar, used in cola products and also in cosmetics
-Annatto (E160b), a reddish-orange dye made from the seed of the achiote.
-Turmeric (curcuminoids, E100)
-Paprika (E160c)
-Elderberry juice
-Black Carrot Juice

Weigh the cost next time you shop, every time you checkout at your supermarket you vote for the quality of food you desire for you and your family. Thank God for capitalism!


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